In the event of a fire, Fire Rated Louvers & Louver Doors are become utmost importance, which offers resistance to the spread of fire thus, saves lives and buys time for everyone involved. Even vented openings for air and light can become passive fighters of fire. This is done through the use of Fire Resistant materials, cores and louvers. Fire Rated louvers are used for passive fire protection in Buildings & saves Pant Rooms & Equipments too.
In the event of fire, it has a fusible link made of lead situated at rear side of the louver, which is temp. rated at 165°F (74°C) and allows the steel spring mechanism to snap all the louver blades to shut immediately, preventing penetration of fire and smoke.
Wacair Fire Rated Louvers & Doors are designed and manufactured in compliance with international standards, to achieve the optimum results, to cater to the requirements of HVAC Industry.